Last night at dinner, the oldest daughter's blessed the food by saying "Thank you for daddy's good day. Please let him have another good day tomorrow." The youngest drew a self portrait of herself with no hair. She calmly explained, "That's me when I'm 7. I'm sick so all my hair fell out." Once I explained that she won't necessarily ever get so sick her hair falls out she seemed disappointed, but she added hair to her drawing. She's also asked me when I'm going to get cancer. Those big, earnest eyes make me so sad. Who knows what's going through that three year old brain.
We've had a good last few days. Really good. His energy level is up and his pain is down, and it's like having him back to his old self. It's so nice. This morning I mentioned to the three year old that he was feeling better and her face lit up. "He is feeling better right now!" Later, she asked him to go sledding with her. There is no snow. Maybe one day. Even better news was that when he went to the doctor this week for a concerning pain, we learned that the pain is actually from the cancer dying, and it seems to be dying ahead of schedule. This is fabulous news, and seems to make everything worth it. We just need to keep our eye on the prize of health at the end of all of this. I don't have as much to say about good days because I'm usually so caught up in the good moments that I'm not ruminating on them, or writing blog posts in my head while trying to keep my head above water. I'm trying to soak in the good moments while I can, and enjoy...